
Canceled II #1 - A new mini-series begins!

Created by David A Byrne

Hit comic Canceled is back and Larry has someone new to play with! Join us for this new installment in the Canceled universe.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Funded! First stretch goal announced!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 06:51:17 PM

Thank you all so much!

Thanks to all of you have reached our initial funding goal and are ready to start working toward some stretch goals!

If you've been in one of my campaigns before, you've probably got a good idea of what we're going to offer on the first stretch goal!

Hopefully we can unlock the free poster quickly so we can add some more cool stuff!

Speaking of cool stuff...

The art is arriving for the next campaign and it is...HOT!

Fredy Bardales Hospice: Skin Deep cover

Skin Deep is a 26 page all new story in the Hospice universe.  Our story stars exotic dancer Sarrah, who goes by the stage name Lamia. Sarrah is known for her mesmerizing dances that leave patrons in a state of euphoria when she performs.

Where ever Sarrah goes, trouble seems to follow and handsy men tend to get hurt. There's more to our nomadic lead in this story though. Ever since she was young, children have never been safe in her presence and she can never seem to stay in one place for too long. When her latest run-in puts her on the move again, Sarrah settles into a new town with a new problem.

This is an interesting concept we have featuring 6 different creators and 6 different campaigns. 

As we approach the campaign, I’ll provide some wonderful art for you! 

For now you can follow along here!

Back soon as we unlock stretch goals!

We're getting close!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 06:57:04 PM

Approaching our goal!

Hey everyone, I want to thank you again for being part of the campaign, we appreciate each and every one of you!

We're sitting around 84% funded right now after a week.

Make sure you invite your friends to come get Canceled with us!

Check out this awesome campaign...

That I'm editing for my friend Trevor!

This August, Ancient History’s Greatest Question Will Be Answered: What Happened to the Holy Grail?(Spoiler Alert: It Was Aliens!)

The story stars the Grail Hunter, an intergalactic knight on a quest to retrieve the Holy Grail with the help of an eclectic, if not reluctant, crew. There are some great covers, including one by our favorite Stake artist Francesca Fantini!

Check it out here!

Hopefully we'll get over the hump and fund soon on this one, I'd love to get some stretch goals going for you guys!

Off to solid start, 48 hours have passed!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 07:35:40 AM

Good morning backers!

Thank you so much for being Canceled with us! We have are past the first 48 hours, so the early backer bonus is now over, but all of you who back already will be getting it!

Black Caravan Premiere: David A Byrne's Canceled #1

That's a mouthful, I know. That was the title of the first issue of Canceled, released last year through Scout Comics and the Black Caravan imprint.

It's been brought to my attention that some of you might like to get the digital version of that. Unfortunately, I cannot offer it through this campaign, but you can still get it here or click the image below:

As we press on toward hopefully funding and hitting some stretch goals I wanted to share another campaign I have a story in:

Back for round 3 of the Cthhulu Invades series, the big green guy and horde is now invading Neverland and the book features dozens of wonderful creators!

This time I have a little 3 page story featuring the Yellow King, with beautiful art (and coloring) by Ivan Saboya.

Here’s a little glimpse:

You can click on either image above or here to back the campaign live on Kickstarter right now!

There are 60 hours left in that one, so if you're interested go now!

I'll be back soon with hopefully a note that we've funded and can announce our first stretch goal!